How to Train to Be a Defensive Driving Instructor
Becoming a Defensive Driving Instructor is actually very possible if one is interested. The National Safety Council offers many defensive driving course training classes throughout the country.
The demand for defensive driving classes is growing. In urban areas, an instructor usually has several classes a week.
Be a Defensive Driving Instructor
Obviously,. You need to have a relatively good track record on your own personal driving. A speeding ticket here and there isn't going to hurt your chances, but multiple versions of more serious offenses may rule you out. You also need to have good knowledge of your state's motorist laws.

But before you can become one, you need to first understand the concept of defensive driving and its techniques, then you must be able to expertly utilize these techniques yourself.
By definition of the National Safety Council, defensive driving is practice of driving to save lives and money in spite of surrounding conditions and the actions of others. It is a form of anticipatory driving in order to consciously reduce dangers, ranging from bad weather to other errant motorists.
At its core, defensive driving is about being prepared if the other motorists drive erratically. In this style, you aren't as likely to get caught off-guard by unexpected moves such as a car merging into traffic right in front of you.
Being aware of your surroundings is important. Good traits to defensive driving include staying focused and alert on the road. You need to keep an eye on where the other cars are located, particularly those vehicles which move through your blind mirror spots. Driving actually requires a lot of quick thoughts because you must analyze a number of factors such as weather, road conditions, and traffic density. Throw in a number of signs, signals, and traffic laws and your brain and reflexes must process through a lot of information.
Techniques Used in Defensive Driving

A major technique in defensive driving deals with the distance from the car you are traveling behind. Some suggest having at least a two-second rule to gauge proper space from vehicles right in front of you. Others go as high as three to five seconds, especially at night or during inclement weather. Regardless, the aim is to provide you with enough time to potentially avoid a collision if the vehicle in front suddenly delivers a hard brake.
Good practitioners of defensive driving patiently follow the flow of traffic and don't drive when not in the proper frame of mind whether it is due to drinking, sleepiness, or anger. You also want to cut down on distractions such as answering a cell phone or eating and drinking while driving in the middle of traffic.
If you are interested in becoming a defensive driving instructor, then these are techniques that you not only must teach in classes, but must learn to apply to your own driving. Learn to be a good defensive driver first, then start teaching others to help make the roads a less dangerous place.